We cater to a diverse range of clients
iDedicate Clients
We provide supportive housing to individuals with developmental disabilities, mental health, complex or special needs as well as aging seniors. We also support young adults transitioning out of care into adulthood. Continuous and consistent support is essential for young adults leaving care especially those with unique and complex needs to enable them live a happy, independent and successful life.
Additionally, we provide respite services for caregivers, offering a temporary break for those who provide ongoing care to family members or loved ones with disabilities, complex needs, or other conditions that require constant attention.
Who we serve
Many of our clients have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Some may have conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or Bipolar Disorder. We also support individuals dealing with dual diagnoses, such as a combination of behavioural health issues and substance abuse, as well as those with trauma histories and complex behavioural challenges.
Our goal is to offer a compassionate and understanding environment where each client receives the specialized care and attention they need to lead fulfilling lives.